Thursday, February 7, 2013

Assessment Strategies

Think of a lesson plan from your licensure area.  Knowing that assessment is an integral part of teaching, explain at least four informal and formal assessments that you will use in your lesson plan to provide you with feedback and involve the students in assessing their own learning.

The lesson that I  based the assessment on was a math lesson on using non standard forms of measurement to measure different items and the concept of estimating. This lesson was designed for the first grade.  

Informal check ins are unplanned check ins that can be easily done to give the teacher a basic idea of where the class is in understanding a given topic. It is a quick way that lets her know if I needs to explain the lesson again or if I can move on because everyone has a grasp of the concept. One way I would test informally is getting a gauge of what knowledge the children have before the lesson by having them give me a thumbs up if they have heard of it and know something about it, a sideways thumb if they have heard of it before and then a thumbs down if they have know idea what I am talking about. I would use this again during the lesson to see if by the end of the lesson they have a grasp of it. 

Another form of informal assessment that I would use would be to have a homework assignment or a in class worksheet that they would work on individually for completion. This would be 'graded' but points would not be counted off for the wrong answer it would just give me a better understanding of who has it and who needs some more work. 

When I felt that everyone had a good grasp of the information I would then give them a 'quiz' of just a couple problems for them to work out and be graded if they were correct or incorrect. This would be used as a formal assessment at the end of the math unit on measuring with nonstandard forms. 


  1. Emily, I really liked the idea of using the thumbs up, thumbs in the middle, and thumbs down technique. This can be applied in every subject, and even with everyday lessons and situations. I like the idea of the worksheet and the points not being counted off. This is a great way to find out where your students are with a certain topic or lesson. Awesome post.

  2. Thumbs up, thumbs down is a great technique. Since you're doing nonstandard measurement, could you use any manipulatives or anything like that, activity-wise?

  3. I really like that you would give the students an informal assessment that isn't graded. This would give you more time to adapt your teaching strategies and reteach to those who need extra help based on the results of their scores. I also think the thumbs up, thumbs in the middle, and thumbs down will be very useful as well!
