Thursday, April 25, 2013

Barb Retenbach Reflection

    This was a very eye opening presentation into autism. From this presentation I realized that often times the most important thing a teacher can do is to sit with a child who has autism and just be there. The teachers sheer presence and getting to know the student can give you so much insight into their world. This goes along with the learning from those that we serve as Louis mentioned. It also opened my eyes to the term autism spectrum disorder. It is incredible how much Barb has to say and how the world of typing has opened up her world.

     The biggest thing I am taking away from the talk is that the world is better off with autism. People who have learning disabilities like autism have so much to offer the world and we should not discount their talents.

These are some quick bullets of the highlights that i am taking away and will consider and use when I work with children with autism and other learning disabilities.

  • Discover find out who the person is
  • Allowing time to be inside their own autism where they will not be disturbed
  • Keep an open mind about other forms of communication
  • The autistic person should have power and responsibility of their own and they might just take it
  • You don't know what your missing when you medicate things away
  • Find out who they are and be that on purpose

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