How might your knowledge of the memory processes guide your
instructional decisions?
Having the knowledge of how our brain
retrieves memories and information is important for a teacher as we often call
on our students and demand answers out of them. But a knowledgeable teacher
will realize that they need to give a wait time of approximately three seconds
before calling on someone to answer so that students have enough time to
process the information and hen draw upon their own information.
think it is also important to teach about how to remember something just like
it is important to reach study skills. I would do this in my classroom through
modeling. It is difficult for an adult to remember some of the things that we require
of children so routinely showing the children and practicing memory games and
techniques. I think this can start as early as having to learn a nursery rhyme
my memory in kindergarten or first grade.
This article shows how students who have teachers that demonstrate and encourage the practice of memory techniques preformed better than students whose teachers did not emphasize memory as strongly.
I agree with you when you said it is also important to teach about how to remember something just like it is important to teach study skills. I think if we can help teachers develop good memory processes and teachniques it can really help them succeed academically.