Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Group Differences Forum

     I really enjoyed the group differences forum, each group brought up very interesting topics and discussion questions that caused me to think and reflect about how I would handle each situation. Although we only had one class to discuss all the various topics I thought it was ample time. We had previously discussed the topics prior to this class and it was easy to reference the past discussions. I also think it was enough time because most everyone has had other classes address theses issues before so it was not the first time for anyone to discuss these issues.
     Two of the topics that the discussion made me rethink and consider were religion in schools and children with disabilities. Religion although I have thought about it prior was talked about in a different way today.  I think it is very important to be aware and knowledgeable about the various backgrounds that are present in your classroom. I liked the idea of inviting parents into the class to share their own traditions, and I think it is important to not assume anything about a person’s religious affiliation.  We also discussed disabilities and whether it was a appropriate to try to normalize the students or to view them as just different and needing special attention. I think it is very important to treat each child individually and do what works for them and not make accommodations that are unnecessary.  

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